Environmental Protection & Safety
AKG North America Group is committed to environmental sustainability and stewardship, community engagement, and the promotion of healthy and safe practices at our workplaces. We aim to achieve the best for the environment, our employees and their families, and the community at large. We understand the importance of protecting the environment to preserve the earth’s natural resources, both for today and for generations to come. As such, we strive to minimize resource use and reduce the environmental impact of our production process. We also understand that the measure of the quality of life of our employees include their ability to experience a good life outside of work, and provide them with the resources for a safe work life, promoting zero harm at our facilities. Furthermore, AKG believes in being a positive influence in our community and value active public service through local projects and initiatives to engage with our community.
AKG North America Group, a global manufacturer of coolers and heat exchangers endorses the following Environmental Policy:
We are committed to continual improvement and excellence in the areas of resource conservation and protection of the environment. AKG recognizes that sound environmental policy contributes to our competitive strength and is critical for continued success of operations while providing valuable benefit to customers and communities. As a company, we strive to act as responsible stewards of the environment through continued commitment to implementing efficient and effective environmentally sensitive practices within our organization.
- In pursuit of this policy, AKG North America Group and its employees commit to:
Operate our organization in a manner which supports and promotes resource conservation, pollution prevention, and protection of the environment, - Consider our environmental aspects in planning, purchasing, and operating decision making where financially and technologically feasible,
- Compliance with all applicable legal and subscribed requirements related to our environmental aspects,
- Promote environmental consciousness and accountability through training and environmental policy awareness to all persons working for or on behalf of AKG, and
- Strive to achieve excellence of environmental performance through dedication to the Continual Improvement Process
The policy applies to all employees, departments, and functions throughout the organization. Full adherence to the policy is expected and necessary in order to achieve the commitments set forth. The policy and our performance under the policy will be continually reviewed with results and improvement actions communicated to our employees and our associated business partners.
AKG is dedicated to purchasing and using energy in the most cost-effective, efficient and environmentally responsible manner possible. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and environmental leadership, we have an established energy management program that ensures that energy efficient processes are established in our manufacturing facilities and considered during project initiations. We have collaborated with outside entities such as NC State University’s Industrial Assessment Center and Duke Energy in developing our energy program to guarantee that it delivers on its mandate. In our quest to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to our operations, AKG has installed LEDs and occupancy sensors in our manufacturing areas and warehouses. We also purchase as a source of energy, only electricity and natural gas, which are relatively environmentally friendly. AKG shall continue to progress toward new goals such as using more renewable energy.
AKG believes that our employees are our most valuable resource, and we are committed to working continuously to provide a safe and healthy working environment, promote safe work practices and maintain the integrity of our property. We recognize that production and safety go hand in hand, and believe that a safe working environment increases productivity. We firmly believe in employee development and provide quality safety training to all our employees. Employee safety shall always remain the topmost consideration in all phases of our operations. It is our vision to proactively pursue a strong safety culture that ensures zero harm at our workplaces, while providing our employees with the necessary tools to make their safety and health a 24-hour endeavor of good choices.
Certificates Environmental Protection